Little Miss R and her mom met up with me at the studio after much deliberation about the weather. Will it rain, will it hold off, back and forth til we finally had to call it and good thing we did because just at the time our appointment began it started to pour. Still, we made the best of the indoors and I'm certain the studio felt like one big stage as she was twirling and on tiptoe so much of the time - a ballerina in the making I'm sure of it! She was so much fun, look at her sparkly, big blue two year old eyes.
She is going to be a big sister in just a month and is so excited and going to be such a big helper! She kept tickling her mom's belly saying she was tickling the baby - how adorable!
Thanks for coming to see me on a rainy day and I am eager to get the rest of the pics to you soon! :)
Hi Teresa!
Thought I stop in and check out your blog:)
LOVE the first and last one! What a sweetie.
Love these pictures!
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