This a group of women I met at a workshop in June and have been chatting with regularily online about photography. I have been blown away by the kindness and generous nature of the group! Everyone is so eager to learn and help each other as we've all either recently started our own businesses or else are on the verge of doing so. At this particular 'playgroup' we met in my neck of the woods at a 'best kept secret' park in Edina. I didn't get many shots that nite since I was the coordinator and felt responsible for keeping things rolling; plus our time was fairly short because a storm was rolling in! We beat it by minutes and kept shooting all the while the sky grew dark - the brave bunch we are :)
Anyhow, here are a few of the shots I got - thanks to my photographer cohorts and also the beautiful models who gave up a summer evening to hang with us :)
PS - I should make sure to mention that because of the nature of these sessions I can't claim all these photos as mine - sometimes I was shooting over the shoulder of a friend :)
Thanks again, Teresa, for hosting this - you did such a great job! And I love how you referred to it as a grown-up playdate - fun!!!
This was a lot of fun! Thanks for taking these, they're great! I really like the ones you got at the fountain of Nina - of course I'm biased because she's mine, but I think they look great anyway!
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