
Thank you for visiting! I'm glad you are here. This is an old blgo! I retired this blog 3 years ago but you may still visit and since you do I will update information periodically. My website is www.teresahermesphotography.com and on my splash page you will find a link to my current blog and most recent work. Thank you for your interest! And stopping by :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little B is One! / Minneapolis Children's Photographer

How sparkly blue are these eyes?! I had a great time meeting up with these two cutie pies at their home near the river. Altho it was sunny it was marginally warm and the trees did not yet have leaves so we had to skirt around for some cover. Little B couldn't be sweeter and seemed so content to have big sister do all the talking and coordinating on his behalf. Super fun to watch them together as surely they have a ton of fun. Thanks for the great morning!

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