
Thank you for visiting! I'm glad you are here. This is an old blgo! I retired this blog 3 years ago but you may still visit and since you do I will update information periodically. My website is www.teresahermesphotography.com and on my splash page you will find a link to my current blog and most recent work. Thank you for your interest! And stopping by :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

H family session

What I'm finding that I am loving so much about this 'job' is that I am not only getting to meet and play with lots of cute kids and their parents, but am also witnessing families expanding and evolving and it's REALLY cool.
The last time I saw my buddy 'M' was last fall when we cruised all along the Minnehaha creek for a super energetic session on a crisp fall morning. M has such a radiating personality we were instant buds and I was so glad that I had my running shoes on to keep up with him along the way! Fast forward only a few months to this weekend when they arived at the studio with his darling baby sister and I see another side of my funny guy, the doting big brother! Miss L was just so sweet and easygoing and amused by just the sight of her bro - it was really neat to see them together.

Thanks gang, for kicking off my session weekend!

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