
Thank you for visiting! I'm glad you are here. This is an old blgo! I retired this blog 3 years ago but you may still visit and since you do I will update information periodically. My website is www.teresahermesphotography.com and on my splash page you will find a link to my current blog and most recent work. Thank you for your interest! And stopping by :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cutest sibling pair ever!

I had so much fun at this house last weekend! Little Miss A just turned 2 not too long ago so she was the main star of the show. However, she didn't like to be more than just a step or two away from big brother, the whose lead she was so happy to follow - it was sooo cute! Whether it was him playing guitar and her dancing, or them teaming up to play hide n seek with me they just played so well together and are the very best of friends.

Thanks for letting me come see your awesome new house and hang with you guys again!! :)
p.s. How much would you pay for Mr. M's curls?! Aren't they the best! I'd give anything for locks like that...

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